Video: Against All Odds
What would you do if you nearly died in an accident and doctors told you that you wouldn’t walk again? Watch this video to see what contributor Isabella D.’s mom did when this happened to her.
Below is a short interview Isabella conducted with her mom. Hope it inspires you.
Isabella: Who inspires you the most in life?
Angela: My children. They motivate me to try to be the best person I can be. I want to be a good role model for them, and they inspire me to do that.
I: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
A: Well, my youngest child will have just graduated high school, so I can see my husband and I traveling the world.
I: If you hadn’t gotten in your car accident, where do you think you would be in life right now?
A: Dead. Life has a way of slowing things down for you, and unfortunately, I had been living life too fast. Everything happens for a reason, and when you speed up the process of life, you often times don’t see or understand that. My car accident both helped me learn that lesson, and to appreciate the little things, even something as little as walking.
I: What was the biggest struggle coming out of your car accident, both physically and emotionally?
A: The biggest struggle, physically, was when the doctors faced me and told me I would never be able to walk again, and that I would never be able to have a normal pregnancy, if one at all. Emotionally, I was struggling with the fact that two men had died in the accident. I was confused as to why I got to live, but neither of them did. I didn’t have any self worth at the time, so that also made things harder.
I: What inspires you to motivate the people around you?
A: I can see things in people that they often times can’t see in themselves. It is very rewarding to have the ability to help the people around you achieve things they didn’t even think were possible.
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